- ko bising ko tak de kawan...ko bising ko takde orang percaya...tapi ko sendiri yang buat diri ko jadik cenggitu...ko nampak ke tak??ke ko memang buta, tuli, bisu, retarded??
- ko cakap orang tu ego, ko cakap orang tu perangai macam bitch, ko cakap orang tu kalo dah buat salah tak reti nak mintak mahap, and kalo ko mintak mahap dengan dia buat tak dengor, perli-perli, cakap belakang, fuck shit..now, the wheels had turn over...and u do actually the same thing done by orang tu...have ever look yourself in the mirror?or kat rumah ko memang takde cermin??
- dulu ko kata that fucking person takde manners..kita cakap elok-elok, dia buat tak layan...pastu ada friends tak appreciate friends...and now suddenly, ko you turn up to be like that person...and should i wonders like you too??
- ko selalu kata...manners is actually like this and this and this...we shouldn't do like that and that and that...tetiba...ko turn up to be those no manners whore...the hell...
- meh aku bagitau ko...first priorities...my parents...then my families...and after that, someone which it happened to be u....and then my friends...but ko insist first priorities is u...and then u..and then u..and lastly u....fuck off...that's why i hate lovey duwey thangs now darn it...because some bitch had langgor those fucking rule...and what the hell am i apologizing to u last nite...stupid me...suppose i curse u like hell..tapi ko tak pernah terpikir yang aku nak letak ko as my friends...but u insist to be my enemy...donno what the hell is wrong with u...
- beautiful face, or some complete package doesn't tell either ko ni ada hati berbau longkang atau as saint as your face...fuck humanship...
- and listen here bitch...if u happened to read this entry, i'd forgiven u for all the wrongdoings u've done before...except for those fucking word u've thrown out these few days...reckon why should i so stupid to try to act nice to people like you...my logical and professional i reckon...or just pure stupidity if i dare to classified...
jadik, pikir sendiri apa emosi aku...i'm not a person that keep vengeance for a very long time but i am nice enough to keep it for you fucking junkhead...pada aku, break up is break up..tapi tak semestinya jadik musuh...aku taktaula mana datang dangkal otak ko ni...fuck...
notahangit: lagi lama aku simpan ayat ni, makin membangkai bendalah ni kat dalam hati aku...let me burst it out and happily search for another endut...owh...kenapa aku banyak tulis dalam bahasa omptuih??sebab kengkadang ada jenis manusia memang tak faham bahasa....jadik kita pakai language la...kalo tak faham gak, taktau la...
marah awek ke bro~
eh? or should i say ur ex?
btw, nape pulak dia nak kau letak dia as ur first priority?akai ada ka? u have a family, of course lah they would b ur first priority! kalau tanya budak tadika pon dorang jawab the same answer jgk kot. ngade la awek kau tu, ops! ngehe! ;p
p/s: apa kata kau guna bahasa jawa, maybe dia phm lg kot,ekeke~
kalo aku fasih boleh jek...tapi kang takde orang lak tau aku tulis pasal apa..kecuali dak Iwan Dextrous jek...haha
terkesima aku sekejap sebab iwan dextrous tak jadi first! hehe
pompuan ni kalau kita syg lebih kadang tu ngengada (pompuan2 jgn marah eh?vice-versa lahh)
kdg tu kalau kita maki in english tak kedengaran harsh sgt (bg aku laa). no wonder la kalau bergaduh, tetiba ramai couple yg kelihatan berspeaking sakan..kekeke
all the best to you, bro. bunga berjuta-juta kuntum lagi
Dark Half
yeke??aku rasa kalo maki dalam bahasa melayu lebih bersopan bunyiknya...hihi..
ehem . emosi benar entry kau kali nie? meh sini aku nyanyikan kau lagu emotion by mariah carey . HAHA .
chill laa along . kau kan budak baik .. jgn tension2. meh sini aku bobok bontot nak? HAHA
Muhd Aizie
aku tak marah r..aku emo..hhihi..
takyah nak bobok bontot aku..kang kalo tonggek, ramai pulak yang tergoda..hihi..
mariah carey??tak best...hihi..
damm..takot aku long;'(
echah mashuri
amenda yang ko takut??
panas panas
apsal aku tetiba rasa panas ni
dah ar aku nk p minum air sat, panas arr
Alaa...nak cute ckit pun tak leh
ahahaha... biasalah tuh.. reti nk ngata tp tak reti cermin diri. hehehhe
aik??yang berapi GB...kat sini lak panas..
ko memang bijak berkata2 budak...hihi....
ko buat sticky post ke ape ni??
ko nak suh perempuan cantik tu baca dulu, pastu baru ko nak buat entry baru ek
kan kan kan
haha...sangat menusuk kalbu seyh ayat ko...yela2 aku update la...hiihi..
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